There are a lot of preparations you should make to ensure you get the best offer possible. As you read down through these all important tips, don’t stress. We’ve got you covered! Our team will help you each step of the way and make things easy so it’s not that hard.
Nyssa Smith & Co works hard so you don’t have to. We sold this State College home in 1 day.
Just because you’ve gotten used to the cracked tile or the squeaky floor doesn’t mean a buyer will too. If you have hardwood floors that need refinishing, be sure to get it done—hardwood is a huge selling point. Buyers like to snoop around, so be sure to fix any sticky doors or drawers as well. Finally, don’t forget to address any issues with the exterior—front door trim, garage door, fences, shingles, sidewalks, etc. After all, without curb appeal, many buyers won’t want to go inside.

This home had peeling paint and overgrown vegetation. With a fresh coat of paint and spruced up landscaping, we sold it in just 2 days.
You want buyers to see themselves in your home. If your living room has lime green shag, wood-paneled walls, and all your collectibles and personal photographs, this will be much harder for them to do. Try replacing any bold color choices in your floors and walls with something more neutral—grays, tans, and whites can be popular choices. Although, a pop of color can be nice if done right. Repainting and reflooring will make everything look fresh and new, and help prospective buyers imagine all the possibilities. We will guide you with the best color choices to show off your home to get top dollar.

The carpeting, out-dated lights and wallpaper in this State College home had to go. We neutralized and staged thus getting the homeowner $25,000 more than they were expecting. Learn more
This step seems simple and obvious. But it’s important to mention. Even if you feel your home is orderly and clean, think about deep cleaning. Such as fingerprints around light switches and doorknobs. Are there cobwebs on out of reach light fixtures that you might not be able to clean on a daily basis? Think about a good ‘spring’ house-cleaning. Also be mindful of ‘clutter’. You may think your doll collection or sports collection isn’t clutter, but it could be. Depending on the location and how you’re displaying these collections, this ‘treasure’ to you just might be what’s ‘clutter’ to a potential buyer. So think about boxing those up. You have to move anyway. You might as well begin now. And we can guide you. Not all collections are a no-no. Maybe it’s some Penn State gear displayed tastefully in a lower level rec room. These are all things that we can help you determine – what’s good to display and what’s good to store away.

This home had little that needed to be done. Some de-cluttering was really all that was necessary in this Bellefonte home we sold. Notice how we also removed the hutch, swapped out the table, chairs & curtains. Sometimes homes only need small tweaks in order to sell.
Once your house is clean and updated, it’s time to top it all off. We have a home stager on staff that will assist you in adding small details and décor touches that will bring out the possibilities in the various spaces in your home: lamps, mirrors, throw rugs and pillows, flowers, towels, furniture pieces. Home staging can be particularly useful to maximize your home’s strengths and minimize your home’s flaws. We don’t mean that we want you to hide any material defects. That’s not what we mean by flaw. What we mean is that if you have a small space, for instance, by staging it with less furniture or smaller streamlined furniture, you can maximize the space and make it look a whole lot better. Think of it as a little mascara and blush—if it’s done right, you notice the beauty, not the makeup. For more information on staging, here’s another great article we’ve written called Lessons in Staging.

The homeowner was covering the fireplace with a couch. We staged the house to show off the fireplace and hardwood floors. We sold this Boalsburg home in just 1 day and for more than full price. Learn more
Photos can make or break the numbers of showings you have. You have showings whether you realize it or not—online showings! When a buyer searches for homes, they begin online first. The photos of your home play a big part of whether a buyer will take the next step of scheduling a physical showing of your home or not. If the photos show off your home in it’s best light, you’ll definitely attract more buyers to come in person. That’s why we’ve hired Ali, a professional photographer. She’ll ensure your home looks amazing—just like from the pages of a magazine.

Professional Photography – You’ll definitely attract more buyers when you have amazing photos.
If you’re thinking of taking the next step or even if you’re not sure you’re ready to list your home today, you’ll still want to know what your home is worth. Fill out the Request Free Market Analysis for a Free, No obligation, No pressure, No strings attached Market Analysis. Your information will always remain private with us.