Continuing Brad’s note…A Social Networking Love Affair
Here’s the magic of this Love Affair between facebook, Twitter and ActiveRain.
One evening, I’m on facebook and Up pops the chat window. Friend “A” says hello and proceeds to ask me if they can ask me a question. I answer back kindly and tell them I am happy to answer their questions. Friend “A” asks me if I am aware of a good website to find out about schools in “potential new area”. Of course my reticular activator is immediately heightened (why would they be asking about schools in a new area unless they were planning on MOVING!…hello…!) So I mentioned that I would be happy to help. I also asked what they were thinking and why they were considering this new school (of course, I figured I new what the answer to that was going to be). Friend “A” continued to explain that she was considering a new job. And of course, knowing more about the new area would be important to the whole family and in making this decision.
Ding ding ding!!! Survey says… I know an agent in that area! It was immediate and top of mind awareness to me! Friend “B” is the agent that immediately came to mind! And the reason Friend “B” aka Agent “B” came to mind so quickly and that I knew his home area is because of…facebook, Twitter, ActiveRain. He is always posting. I see his blogs. I see his tweets. I see his updates. So I knew he would be able to assist these people. And their concerns over the school systems and the new area. I knew Friend “B” aka Agent “B” would be familiar with the area and could help them find the schools and the neighborhoods.
Now, the real magic of this love affair is that within about a half hour, I chatted with Friend “A” (who is the one potentially moving). I quickly chatted with Friend “B” aka Agent “B”. We went back and forth. Exchanged email addresses. Made specific plans for when these folks would be heading down to Agent B’s area.
I couldn’t believe it! In an evening. Half-hour to an hour tops! I had assisted these friends who might be moving. Connected them with this new agent who I have every confidence in because we had become friends through this social networking. I read his ActiveRain blogs and know he is knowledgeable and experienced. And I totally feel confident these buyers will be in excellent hands.
And oh by the way…they will need to sell their home in State College should this job work out for them! Gee…I wonder who they will want to list their home!!!
To sum it up, these Friends (aka Friend “A”) made the trip. Met with the agent. He showed them around. We’ll be doing a 25% referral fee if they do end up moving. They are so happy! They reported back to me and are so pleased. Even if they don’t end up moving, I have some new raving fans! And Agent “B” will certainly get more of my referrals in the future!
Think about the long drawn out process this was in the past. Those clients would have to wait until the next day to contact me. I would have to research to find an agent. And then contact that agent. And then see if that agent will be willing to work with these buyers. This might end of taking a couple of days to a week! Wow! The power of this Social Networking Love Affair!
Your State College, PA Real Estate Connection!